Christopher Brandon

Laboratory Manager (Strauss Lab)

Professional Website


University of Georgia Class of 2022
B.S. Biology
B.S. Ecology

More About

Maintaining Daphnia clone populations, coordinating pond and lake water sampling, assisting graduate students with research projects, helping undergraduates on research projects and developing research skills

Honors, Awards, and Achievements

Graduated summa cum laude with Highest Honors and a CURO graduation distinction (2022)
Member of Phi Beta Kappa and Omicron Delta Kappa societies
Josh Laerm Memorial Outstanding Ecology Undergraduate Award (2022)

Selected Publications

Davis, A.K., Hurd, C., Brandon, C. et al. Walking while Parasitized: Effects of a Naturally-Occurring Nematode on Locomotor Activity of Horned Passalus Beetles. J. Insect Behavior 34, 89–95 (2021).